Friday, August 10, 2007

Hey, let's not attack Iran

Another day, another story like this.

The problem is clear. It's not that there are individuals like Dick Cheney who think we can improve the world by escalating the war in the middle east.

It's that they have too much power.

Power that they stole, since in our democracy you have to be elected by voters, not rigged ballots and a partisan court.

And once you're elected, you have to obey the law.

Return this man and the rest of his administration to civilian life, where they can do no further harm.

Impeach Cheney.


Joe Futrelle

Saturday, August 4, 2007

We're not going away

But you are, to spend your recess campaigning.

What an appropriate word for such an infantile congressional majority.

With a majority of Americans supporting impeachment and opposing the war, and the bully pulpit of being one of the highest-polling Democratic political candidates out there, you have done nothing in congress to call to account the criminals running our country.

And you and the rest of the DLC are about to walk away from Washington while they finish shredding all their emails, "forgetting" all the meetings they're currently having while they're working on God knows what illegal scheme that we'll only find out about three years from now when it's too late to do anything about it.

That would be pathetic, except that also, people are dying and our economy is hitting a brick wall. Since you're so obviously interested in the Democratic party winning the presidency, how is a Democrat president going to explain to voters in 2012 that it's not your fault we'll still be in Iraq, gas will be over $10/gallon, and the global economy will be in recession?

How about running on the right policies, instead of what beltway pundits think is going to win the next election?

And that starts with a commitment to democracy and the rule of law. A commitment you apparently left behind when you ran outside for "recess".

Have fun without our votes.

Joe Futrelle

Thursday, August 2, 2007

OK, we get it

Anxious to project the image of a commander-in-chief, you're rattling sabers at Pakistan:

Your justification is that Al Qaeda killed over 3,000 innocent Americans.

What about the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis who have died because of an illegal war that our own administration lied to us to justify?

You're ready to send troops to Pakistan to capture or kill people associated with the 9/11 hijackers, but you're not ready to send a piece of paper to the criminals who have hijacked our government, informing them that they have been impeached.

We get it.

You don't oppose these administration policies at all. You want a "unitary executive". You want to be that all-powerful executive! Why else could you possibly want to stand idly by while our government is destroyed from within?

Prove me wrong.

Joe Futrelle

Monday, July 30, 2007

How about starting with Gonzales?

Subject: How about starting with Gonzales?
Date: July 30 2007 7:14:05 PM CDT

Your colleagues in the house seem to think that's a good idea.

After all, the guy perjured himself in front of the judiciary committee, so it's a slam-dunk case.

To borrow a phrase I heard somewhere.

Every day the DLC's position looks more and more complicit. You can wait, or you can lead. It could make the difference between holding the administration accountable and doing irreparable harm to our democracy.

Gonzales and company are rubbing America's noses in the DLC's unwillingness to impeach them.

Are you going to help them, to score political points, or are you going to put a stop to this criminal behavior?

Joe Futrelle

Saturday, July 28, 2007

What part of "impeach" don't you understand?

Subject: What part of "impeach" don't you understand?
Date: July 28 2007 4:53:03 PM CDT

I know, you're a senator.

But you spend all your time campaigning, for what I'm not sure.

It's certainly not a campaign to hold Bush, Cheney, Gonzales, and the lot to account for their crimes.

It's high time you were running that kind of campaign.

You know, because it's in the public interest. Just ask this citizen.

Joe Futrelle

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Credibility collapse

Subject: Credibility collapse
Date: July 26, 2007 8:06:08 AM CDT

Gonzales's performance yesterday should leave no doubt that this administration is deliberately deceiving the American people.

And in fact, Gonzales and other administration officials are lying under oath--exactly what Clinton was impeached for--even though Republicans "didn't have the votes."

Gonzales has to go, along with the rest of these crooks.

It doesn't have to be "time-consuming", and with Republicans like Arlen Specter entering their frustration into the record--his response to Gonzales "you expect us to believe that?" is exactly what most of America is thinking--Democrats like you are widening your credibility gap to the point where we're starting to ask you the same sort of questions.

For many voters who are fed up with the Democrats, "electability" is the only virtue you all have left. But you're rapidly shoveling even your "electability" into the abyss.

I'm going to keep writing to you. But you're not going to listen.

And in 2008 when we run against both corporate parties, you're going to miss all those votes you so disingenuously think you're entitled to.

Joe Futrelle

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Conyers doesn't have the votes? Get him the votes!

Subject: Conyers doesn't have the votes? Get him the votes!
Date: July 24, 2007 7:19:02 PM CDT

With the spectacle of anti-war candidate Cindy Sheehan being arrested after meeting with John Conyers, you and the rest of the Democratic leadership are on thin ice.

John Conyers's argument against impeachment is that he doesn't have the votes.

Not that the administration aren't criminals, but that he doesn't have the votes.

Well, then get him the votes!

If you're such an influential leader, and you want to inspire people to serve their constitution, then lead us towards accountability.

Make the case for impeachment. If you're such a great orator and have such a compelling vision, then it's high time you included accountability to the rule of law in that vision.

Or else it's not vision. It's blindness.

Joe Futrelle